The last quarter of this year has been about writing and revving up my networking engine while maintaining my entertainment schedule, so there have been lots of real late nights and real early mornings of working.
It has also been about being ready when opportunity knocks. And, man, I’m so glad I’ve been prepared! That’s not to say sometimes it doesn’t gets a teensy bit tough to motivate myself. But it doesn’t last long. Or should I re-phrase it by saying I don’t let it last long.
Between a collection of uplifting quotes and video clips I can easily crank my motor up in no time! And having a sense of humor is a must or some days I’d just want to collapse in a heap.
I absolutely adore You Tube for my “I-Need-To-Laugh-Now-But-Only-Got-A-Few-Minutes” fix. For some good clean fun, check out Brian Regan or Jim Gaffigan.
All work and no play would definitely make Holly a dull gal.
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