Being quite the visual person, I simply love viewing all the images on Pinterest.
Pictures in every subject and category.
And being a lover of words, as well,
there are also
pictures of words!
like quotes, prints, greeting cards…
Personally, if I don’t set a time limit, my day (and night) could easily be sucked into the Pinterest vortex, much like with Facebook.
But is Pinterest a worthwhile social media strategy for business?
There are numerous articles on the topic, here are some of the recent ones:
A quick article from Jason Miles in Social Media Examiner, 5 Ways to Tell if Pinterest is Right for Your Business
Jason Keath of Social Fresh wrote about 250+ Brands on Pinterest
These include the BIG brands, non-profits, NGO’s, health and more.
Beth Hayden of Copyblogger, has a helpful article 56 Ways to Market Your Business for beginner pinners.
And social media guru, Amy Porterfield has a great piece on The 10 Commandments of Using Pinterest for Business written by Donna Moritz.
I like to consider myself a modern woman, but keeping up with progress in technology and social media takes a lot of work. Especially since the growth is exponential even on a day to day basis.
Naturally, Pinterest has lots of info on their own site, like a pdf on using it for business, and I do recommend reading it if it’s just to begin acclimating yourself to the Pinterest world…and the possibilities for your business.
It’s quite obvious from my Pinterest boards that I’m not using it correctly for my business…yet.
I can conclude this because in the few months
I’ve had my boards up, I only have 6 followers. 2 people I actually know.
Right now I figure it’s a win-win as I learn.
I am having fun in the wee hours just looking at all those images.
Maybe even becoming inspired along the way.
Now, to just get pinned!
Being Pinterested! Being UNPOPPABLE!
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